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what is humans at w0rk?

Humans at Work are humans who'd like to advocate for other humans in the workplace. It is a safe space to discuss experiences and learnings regarding emotions, natural temperament (introversion and extroversion), interactions, and general well-being in the workplace. It is a place where vulnerability is embraced, awkwardness is not awkward, and mistakes are welcome. It’s where you can just be easy on yourself and on others, and accept that we are all, after all, only human.

why does humans at w0rk exist?

We are all humans working for and with humans. But sometimes we forget this simple yet crucial fact. In the world today, we are so preoccupied with cracking codes and algorithms for bots and machines that we forget to decode the most complex dynamics there is: human interaction. We are in the age where 5-6 generations are working together in one place— where generational difference doesn't only involve preference on where and when to work, how to communicate, and how to display emotions; but involves many other facets of behaviour and practices. We are in the age where everyone is connected 24/7, with technology making it easier to reach anyone anywhere— the by-product of which is the blurring of the line between work and life. We receive and digest a constant influx of information, resulting to information overload. We are in the age where the speed of life seems to be at 10000000000kmph, and it gets really exhausting to keep up.


We also want to break the assumption that emotions are banned from the professional space. When you come in to work, you have to come in as your whole self— emotions included. We are all thinking AND feeling creatures, and our emotions play a big part in every decision that we make. We just need to learn how to balance professionalism and emotions, vulnerability and action, and ultimately, work and life.

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