With (almost) the whole world on lockdown and everyone asked to #StayHome to save lives, people are finding more and more ways to connect with each other. One thing I've noticed is how music was used all over the world to uplift spirits. Singing in unison through balconies, clapping, cheering, playing songs for the frontliners, artists going live from their own homes. Music is a powerful energy that heals souls. More than its entertainment value, music connects humans through shared emotions, memories, and dreams about the future.
“Music has proven to be the single greatest connector between people for as long as we've been a species,” said Lovett. “It’s amazing that we continue to find ways to innovate around that out of a pure want to communicate with one another.” - The Drum
"Music doesn’t only evoke emotions at the individual level, but also at the interpersonal and intergroup level. Listeners mirror their reactions to what the music expresses, such as sadness from sad music, or cheer from happy music. Similarly, ambient music affects shoppers’ and diners’ moods." - Psychology Today
April 1: COVID-19 positive: 2,311, with a total of 96 that have passed and 50 recoveries