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The Lockdown, Day 19: Pets = Sanity

This is a short post. It's mostly a shoutout to all the pets who are keeping their hoomans sane! How has it been working at home, 24/7 being with your pets?

Credits to the owners of the following posts:

"It's definitely good for the work atmosphere to have a dog in the office," said Marie-José Enders, who studies the relationship between animals and humans at the Open University. "Not only does your cortisol level drop when you stroke a dog; you also produce more of the hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel more relaxed and happy." - Business Insider

Microsoft Life's Instagram featured people working from home with their pets in a post that says: "Who else is staying pawsitive with their #WorkFromHome co-pilots? #MicrosoftLife"

April 3 COVI-19 positive: 3,018, with a total of 136 who've passed and 52 recoveries


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